Developers & PRS Fund Managers

  • PRS Fund Managers

    O’Connor Bowden operates a division providing PRS Fund Management Services to the UK and European residential investment funds

    Our cohesive approach seamlessly integrates Building & Facilities Management with our years of experience with Tenancy Lettings and Management Services, providing an unrivalled “One-Stop-Shop” service to PRS Fund Managers.

  • Developers

    O’Connor Bowden assist developers with various phases of concept, interim and post-completion freehold and leasehold management.

    • Freehold Sales
    • RMC Formations
    • Service Charge Setting & Budgets
    • Lease Structures
    • Insurance
    • Warranty Management
    • Transition Management
  • Freehold Sales

    Freehold pre-sales can ensure a full legal sale agreement is in place before plot sales commence. The leasehold terms are pre-agreed ensuring a leaseholder consultation process to complete the freehold sale is avoided. Furthermore, the early sale process helps the developer and funder budget income before starting on site.

  • RMC Formations

    With investors preferring to control service charge budgets and the management of building management companies and of course, many now rejecting Freeholder controlled schemes, with our long-term partners, we can assist with the formation of a Residential Management Company (RMC) and the pre-allocation of leaseholder shares before plots exchange contracts and complete.

  • Lease Structures

    It is critical to get the terms of lease right. Working with you, your solicitors and freehold investors, we help to secure lease terms that will provide a reasonable balance to maximize any freehold sale or investment value yet contain suitable terms likely to be agreeable by plot purchasers, their solicitors, surveyors and mortgage lenders.

  • Service Charge Setting & Budgets

    Working with the developers design team we can prepare annual service charge budgets and produce robust initial plot-by-plot estimated service charge budgets to ensure pre-construction , off-plan sales can be achieved without conditions.

  • Transition Management

    Often this is the most difficult operational time of any development, with phases completing, residents taking up occupation and contractors still completing construction. We have extensive experience managing transitional arrangements, from the sensitivities of residents and contractors needs through to the part-introduction of services and the financial management of such stages.

  • Post Completion Management

    Post-completion, our “One-Stop-Shop” approach enables us to manage entire residential developments including; lettings, tenancy management, concierge, leisure facilities and communal building services, with a seamless service, all from the same in-house team.

Get In Contact

    • O’Connor Bowden

    • 78 Newton Street
    • 01618333820
    • O’Connor Bowden

    • 1 Compstall Road, Romiley
    • 01618080010